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Information Literacy Skills

Information literacy is a key part of CUT library as it plays a critical role in supporting students, faculty and researchers in their quest for knowledge by providing access to scholarly information and teaching them how to locate, evaluate and use information effectively. The Library from time to time also holds Information Literacy Skills training workshops to train Library users. Information Literacy is increasingly becoming important in the contemporary environment due to technological change and proliferating information resources.

Here are some ways in which CUT Library conduct information literacy:

Instructional sessions

The library offers instructional sessions on information literacy to help students develop the skills needed to find, evaluate and use information effectively. These sessions may be offered in-person or online and cover topics such as database searching, citation management, and research strategy. Request for training here: REQUEST

Research consultations

We offer research consultations where students can receive one-on-one assistance with their research projects. Librarians can help students develop research questions, locate relevant sources and evaluate information. For futher information contact your Librarians.

Online tutorials

The library offer online library training and guides on information literacy topics. These resources are available 24/7 and can help students develop their research skills at their own pace.

Course-integrated instruction

Our School librarians work with schools and institutions to integrate information literacy into the curriculum. Librarians will provide instruction on information literacy topics during class sessions or develop assignments that require students to use information literacy skills.

Collection development

Our library select and acquire materials that support the research needs of our users. This includes materials in a variety of formats, including books, journals, and databases and materials that represent diverse perspectives and viewpoints.


CUT library engage with its communities through outreach events such as workshops, exhibits and author talks. These events can help raise awareness about information literacy and the resources and services available through the library.

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